Hi everyone!
In this course, we explore the process of human-centred design and explore it along the steps described in ISO 9241-210 standard.
Human-centred design is an approach to design that aims to make interactive systems more usable by focusing on the use of the interactive system and applying usability knowledge and methods.
Human-centred design is based upon an explicit understanding of users, goals, tasks, resources and environments. Users are involved throughout the design. The design is driven and refined by usability evaluation. The process is iterative – that is, it continues until the user requirements are met. The design addresses the whole user experience (UX).
Lean UX is an approach to human-centred design that focuses on a fast, iterative approach through early usability evaluation and lightweight deliverables. Lean UX informs and supports Agile development, where (working but) incomplete software is delivered early and frequently, to enable quick feedback.
We explore the interconnectedness of the design and development processes and the different methods that they use, as well as the difficulties and frictions that emerge and need to be understood. We discuss software development processes and use the Essence of Software Engineering model as our second guiding framework.
We do this through readings, discussions, team design projects and lectures. The session plan will be guided by this outline:
01 Introduction and Overview
02 Usability Guidelines & Team Project
03 About Software Engineering and Design & Usability Engineering Framework
04 Understanding and Defining the Context of Use
05 Setting Usage Requirements
06 Design – Design Guidelines
07 Design - Information Architecture
08 Sketching
09 Paper Prototyping
10 Prototyping with Figma
11 Evaluating design solutions
12 Teams’ final presentations
Looking forward to instructing your exploration of the topic. There will be assignments and task throughout the course, but no exams.
Kind regards, Petteri